Followin Daily (May 22)

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Today's Quotes

Bitcoin $70148 - 70015

Ethereum $3789 - 3747

hot topic

- The probability of ETH spot ETF passing increases again, and the result will be known on the 23rd
- Is zkSync finally going to airdrop? Maybe in June
Farcaster completes $150 million in financing. How to play decentralized social networking?
is Bitcoin Pizza Day. Have you eaten pizza?

For more information, see Followin Hot Trends: https://

Focus on Ethereum ETH

Let’s take stock of the “big events” and related concept currencies that are worth paying attention to.

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Collective evil? Insider reveals that Polygon executives maliciously manipulated the price of Meme coin
As the theory of grass-roots teams becomes increasingly true, players should gradually become disenchanted with any top-level project.

To earn more money by working more jobs, Ethereum researchers are "restaking" themselves
Millions of dollars in EIGEN tokens? Ethereum Foundation researcher's third-party "advisory" position caused huge controversy

Attracting nearly $1 billion in investment in April and 3 million daily active users, is the bull market for Web3 games coming?
Will the next phenomenal Web3 game be born in social games?

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Tracking the transaction logic of 5 MEME coin smart money addresses on the chain, how to create a hundredfold profit without rushing to open the market or relying on luck
PANews has counted five typical smart money addresses in recent times, trying to understand the secrets behind their transactions that led to their success.

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