Detailed explanation of Bluefin: Building Sui's high-performance decentralized finance network, TGE is imminent.

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Written by: TechFlow


With the arrival of the bull market, Sui Ecosystem, the star public chain that was highly anticipated in the bear market, has changed its low-key style. Not only has the price of the currency performed strongly, but the TVL of the ecosystem has also continued to grow by more than US$600 million, showing a strong upward momentum.

The continuous influx of funds has attracted a lot of market attention, and Sui's technical features such as high throughput, low latency and strong scalability have been seen by more people. The developer community is becoming more active, and various protocols in the ecosystem are also beginning to flourish.

As the top trading platform in Sui ecosystem, Bluefin With efficient transaction processing speed, transparent on-chain security mechanism and user-friendly operation interface, it provides users with derivatives + spot multi-variety trading experience.

More than just a trading platform, Bluefin ’s vision is to build ecological infrastructure on the Sui network and create a decentralized financial ecosystem.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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