Blinks is revolutionizing the Internet. Explore 20+ creative ideas built with it

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Author: @thesendcoin

Translation: Blockchain in Vernacular

Solana's Blinks is an innovative technology designed to provide a more intuitive and efficient experience by simplifying and enhancing the way users interact with the blockchain. Blinks allows users to perform cryptocurrency operations such as sending, receiving, trading, and minting NFTs (non-fungible tokens) directly on the application or platform without leaving the current interface. This directness and seamless integration makes it easier for developers to build a variety of innovative applications, thereby driving the development of the Solana ecosystem. It can be said that Solana has just changed the Internet forever with Blinks.

Here are 20+ ideas from @thesendcoin that you can build with Blinks right now.


1. Prediction Market

Voting already exists on Twitter. With cryptocurrency, you can literally bet on your opinion — bet on sports, predict the outcome of an event, or vote on future governance proposals, all directly on your X feed.


2. Multi-signature Blinks in private messages

Sharing a multi-signature account with your friends or co-founders and need them to approve a transaction? Just send a blink and get it signed right in the chat.

@SquadsProtocol User experience as ↓


3. Airdrop inspection tool

A tool to check NFT and Token airdrop qualifications through message signatures - you can also charge users a small fee (about $0.1), which is convenient and easy to generate income.


4. Mini Games

Create interactive on-chain mini-games and quizzes that users can enter directly in the feed. Also, check game eligibility by viewing the NFTs in a player’s wallet.


5. NFT Minting and Auction

Build a no-coding tool that allows anyone to create, mint, bid on, and buy NFTs using Blinks directly in X Feed. An obvious idea that can be implemented right away.


6. Encrypted Super Chat

Super Chat is a great source of revenue for creators. Build a tool where users can generate blinks to allow others to send paid messages. Users can send messages from their feed, and creators can view and reply on one dashboard.


7. Limited-time Events

Community-hosted events usually have entry requirements, such as NFTs, proof of registration, etc. Through Blinks, users can connect their wallets to event posts on X to achieve registration and qualification verification.


8. Token gated content

If the limited community is big, then the limited content is even bigger. With Blinks, you can let creators gate their content (comics, videos, blogs, etc.) with NFTs, payments, etc. It can be said that this is a huge market, simple product!


9. Private message transactions

Now every messaging interface has Blinks smart messages. Build a no-coding tool that allows users to send, buy, and trade memecoins, NFTs, and more directly in chat. The success of Bonkbot further proves this!


10. Payment Request and Settlement in Private Messages

Send, request, and settle payments. Splitwise on-chain can be as simple as a group chat with friends - send or request USDC in the chat, and complete the transaction settlement within the chat interface.


11. Clear NFT garbage and useless Token accounts

Allow users to simply destroy unwanted NFT garbage and tokens directly from their wallets. Imagine making money just by destroying from Twitter/X dynamics.


12. Create tools around Memecoins

Engage the wider Memecoin community Have fun on Twitter and create mini-games and tools to engage directly with your Memecoin community.


13. Validator, Native Staking

If you run a validator node, it is now easier to attract liquidity and native staking, just create a blink.


14. @timedotfun on Twitter

Imagine buying the time of your favorite crypto social (CT) influencer directly from Twitter/X.


15. Platform Operation

To make crypto-native platforms more interactive with users, you can post any action directly on their X stories. For example:

→ Collect fees from @FlashTrade_ → Support/disable @MetaDAOProject proposals on-chain → Long/ short using @DriftProtocol


16. GitHub Sponsorship and Tipping

Create blinks so people can tip or sponsor their favorite developers directly from within GitHub. @buymeacoffee is now embedded in the app UI — Who is building this feature?


17. Using Blinks’ README

Imagine developers monetizing their open source work directly.


18. Creative idea of ​​wallet interaction!

Operations in NFT

@phantom has shown a trailer for interactive NFTs - it's time for everyone to do it permissionlessly. Create a single transaction signature operation in NFTs, greatly improving their practicality.


19. Blink NFTs

Likewise, Blinks also allows for easy cryptographic operations with NFTs directly within the wallet. Send, buy, bid, and trade NFTs directly from the wallet interface.


20. Encrypted Super Chat

Using Blinks on YouTube would be a superpower! Allowing viewers of YouTube creators to send encrypted super chats during live broadcasts and reward creators.

Bonus: Let creators/viewers create a wallet using their YouTube email ID via @TipLinkOfficial.


21. Blink and private messaging are a natural fit for Telegram

Everything that can be done in X private message should be done in Telegram private message.

Allows sending, receiving, trading, minting NFTs, Tokens, etc. directly within the Telegram application interface. The user experience is smoother than ever before.


22. Apple and Blinks combine to create an encrypted experience

App Clips and NFC


In the future, Blinks can make any application an application on Solana through the following methods:

→ Place bets directly from the live streaming app

→ Implementing @bountycaster-like functionality on Twitter

→ Social commerce: Buy directly from TikTok or Instagram stories

Blinks improves the developer experience by 10 times because you can use the API directly to achieve:

→ Easier to create super apps

→ Embed on any website

There are many other features that have not been mentioned. Welcome to use your imagination, comment and discuss!

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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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