FTX has initiated the next phase of the liquidation process, and customers need to choose between the Bahamas or the US process flow option by 4:00 AM on August 17.
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Odaily Odaily News: The liquidator of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. has recently initiated the next stage of the liquidation process. FTX.com customers need to choose whether to participate in the official liquidation procedure in the Bahamas (the "Bahamas Process") or the Chapter 11 case in the United States (the "U.S. Process"), and must make a choice before 4:00 am on August 17. The liquidator of FTX Digital Markets will hold a Q&A session to help customers understand the selection process. The Q&A session is open to all FTX.com customers without pre-registration. The first Q&A session will be held at 19:00 on July 31.
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