Yi He, co-founder of Binance, spoke out on the Telegram channel about the exchange’s recent mass listing of Memecoins. She asserted that Binance has no intention of driving the market towards the MEME trend. According to Yi He, the market currently has the following main types of projects:
- Mini game on Telegram where many people can earn Token.
- Infrastructure projects , many coin issuance projects, all of which are coins with high market value (CV).
- Memecoin , which is currently attracting a lot of attention from the community. Previous contracts have followed Neiro's trend, and the feedback from the community is that these meme projects are manipulated, so Binance took the time to find projects with lower market Capital and spread them widely for testing.
- Other types of projects are also being monitored by Binance. According to her, if the community thinks there are potential coins, don't hesitate to propose them.
Yi He emphasized that Binance is a trading platform and will try to provide a variety of Token that the market needs. However, she also reminded that investing always involves risks. Therefore, investors should do their own research before deciding to buy or sell.
The Binance co-founder’s remarks came after the exchange listed three memecoins at the same time, Neiro (NEIRO), Turbo (TURBO), and Baby Doge Coin (100000BABYDOGE). Notably, before Binance announced the listing, memecoin NEIRO had a very small market Capital of only $15 million. This has caused a fierce debate in the community.