100 - 1 = 0

2 days ago
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Original | Liu Jiaolian

Overnight, BTC started to rise sharply towards 61k when Jiaolian published the article “The Mid-Autumn Moon is Brighter, and the Mooncakes are More Fragrant”, and this morning it returned to 60,000 dollars. The Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting on September 17-18. Jiaolian Planet’s third quarter private board meeting on September 22.


Most of the so-called crypto conferences nowadays have become special events for sickles to make friends. One person making money from 10,000 people is a blue ocean market; 10,000 people making money from one person is a crazy involution. Open the list of speakers at the conference and take a look. They are either founders or CEOs. Even those with the title of director are embarrassed to greet others. How many leeks would buy tickets at their own expense and actively accept brainwashing? They are all sickles who are high on themselves. So we have to read the "Crypto Sutra" a few more times - "Refuse to participate in online and offline conferences and project presentations in the crypto industry, and don't be a fool who actively goes to the door to be brainwashed."

Jiao Lian joked: A "leek complaint conference" should be held to give the microphone to unknown small investors, giving them the opportunity to speak on stage and tell their own stories.

100 – 1 = 99 is mathematics. 100 – 1 = 0 is the cold reality. In the entire crypto industry, the leeks are 1, and all the glamorous exchanges, project parties, institutions, KOLs… are the 0s behind 1…

Therefore, even if the beautiful bubble of the industry is blown to 10000000000000000..., as long as the 1 of the leek is gone, the building will collapse in an instant - no matter how many 0s there are, they can only be equal to zero.

The background of the crypto industry is finance. Finance, in the final analysis, only transfers value, not produces value. So many 0s are hungry for food, racking their brains to transfer value from other people's pockets to their own pockets. The only thing that provides nutrients to the entire industry is the endless leeks.

100 – 1 = 0 is the epiphany of human nature. People in the market are confused by appearances, greedy by profits, and fearful by losses. They trade diligently and try their best to make 0. But they forget that without the right investment philosophy and target, no matter how many 0s they make, the result will still be 0.

It's a futile effort.

A good investor has three virtues: laziness, eccentricity and arrogance.

The key to profitable investment lies in patient waiting. Those who are not lazy enough and operate too diligently will sooner or later become leeks. The early bird catches the worm, and the early worm is eaten by the bird.

The requirement for successful investment lies in independent thinking. People who are not so eccentric are prone to drowning their thoughts in the gossip of others. If they agree with others for the sake of so-called high emotional intelligence, they will lose themselves sooner or later. Investors who insist on independent thinking and speak out are always hedgehogs of thought. Other people's opinions are just colorful balloons, which will be ruthlessly punctured if you get close to them.

The secret to long-term investment success lies in rational persistence. People who are not arrogant enough cannot withstand the doubts of their family, the misleading of relatives and friends, the brainwashing of group friends who sing bearish songs every day, and do not have the firm belief and absolute confidence in their holdings of "I will go forward even if there are thousands of people against me", and do not have the absolute determination to resolutely reject the temptation of "100-fold Altcoin" and "1,000-fold meme coins", will only continue to lose BTC in their hands, less and less...

Remember: in the crypto world, the definition of “harvesting” is not the reduction in the fiat currency value of your position, but the reduction in the number of BTC in your hands.

In this market, it is very easy to make some US dollars, but it is very difficult to make BTC, especially to increase the BTC in your hands in a long-term, stable and continuous manner.

The reason why many people look down on BTC is not because it is too expensive, but because it is too cheap.

Today, 1 BTC is only 60,000 USD. When it reaches 500,000 USD or 1 million USD, those who looked down on it will wake up from their dreams and realize that:

1 BTC is a top luxury item.

For most commodities, the cheaper the price, the more people will buy them. However, for some things, the more difficult it is to own them, the more people will want to own them.

Today, owning 1 BTC is already more difficult than owning the world's most advanced mobile phone.


In the future, owning 1 BTC will be more difficult than owning the world's most advanced car, the world's most livable house, and more difficult than owning a BTC.

You should know that the total amount of BTC is only 21 million. And the number of millionaires in the world is about 60-80 million. Not counting the BTC that is lost or hoarded by big players, if 21 million BTC are evenly distributed to these millionaires, and their 1 million dollars are converted into 1 BTC, only 3-4 people can get 1 BTC.

So even if 1 BTC = 1 million USD, is that expensive? Will there be a lack of demand? Not at all. Not expensive at all.

If you are not a millionaire now, but you are lucky enough to participate in the historical process of BTC and own 1 BTC in advance, then in the future you will definitely be among the world's millionaires - as long as you don't lose your BTC in the process.

If you become one of the world's millionaires, you will inevitably be among the top 1% of the world's nearly 8 billion people.

You, one in a million, are the best version of yourself.

100 – 1 = 0 is the philosophy of life.

That day, my kid asked me: Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% perspiration"; someone else said, there is another half sentence at the end, "But this 1% inspiration is more important than 99% perspiration."

I know that the second half of the sentence was not said by Edison, but by Cindi Myers. However, I am not going to tell my child about boring archaeology, but ask him: Similar to 100 and 10000, 1 is followed by 99 zeros, or even more zeros. Do you think the first 1 is more important, or the zeros behind it are more important?

The child was thinking. I reminded him: Without the first 1, no matter how many 0s there are, it is still zero. However, if there is only 1 and no 0, it will always be 1, and it will never get 1 million, 10 million, or 100 million. Blind efforts without the right direction are still in vain. It is impossible to achieve great success by talking about ideas without continuous hard work.

The kid got it. He replied: Both 1 and 0 are important.

I took the opportunity to further enlighten him: Yes, 1 and 0 are equally important, and direction and effort are both indispensable. However, for most people, effort is more important. Because 1 can be learned from, so the rest is actually mainly about how hard you can work and how many 0s you can add at the end. The more 0s you add, the greater the final result.

For example, let’s take BTC. I didn’t invent it, and I didn’t invent the idea of ​​investing in BTC. I just took this 1, and then continued to practice and improve, and worked hard to add 0 to the back. Everyone can take this 1, and then pay their own hard work to add 0 to the back.

In Eastern philosophy, there has been a debate since ancient times about whether "knowing is easy but doing is difficult" or "knowing is difficult but doing is easy". Even when Wang Yangming proposed "unity of knowledge and action", it was still obscure and not clear enough. Jiaolian has been thinking about this for ten years. With "knowing" as 1 and "doing" as 0, I realized that it is not a debate about difficulty or ease, but a debate about gain and loss. This proves the above statement.

(Official account: Liu Jiaolian. Knowledge Planet: reply “Planet” to the official account)

(Disclaimer: The content of this article does not constitute any investment advice. Cryptocurrency is an extremely high-risk product and there is a risk of it returning to zero at any time. Please participate with caution and be responsible for your own actions.)

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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