Detailed explanation of MATR1X FIRE gold mining mechanism - long-term plan and dynamic balance

11 hours ago
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Since 2021, we have been developing MATR1X FIRE - a product that can allow more users to enter the encryption world. Now it will be open to the entire community and enter the gold test without deleting files - the Genesis Fire test, which we call It is the creation version (v0.7.0) and will be in a "testing" state for a long time in the future until the entire product is fully community-based.

Before that, we will work with the community to improve the mechanism of the entire system. Next, we will focus on introducing the core settings in the Genesis version.

1. Role and energy

When you enter the game world of MATR1X FIRE, configure character NFT to form a bounty team, have energy at the same time, and complete the qualifying match, you can get the system's gold reward;

Obtaining gold rewards requires a minimum rank for the character. When the character does not reach the minimum rank, the character's physical strength and energy will not be deducted in the game, and the system's gold rewards will not be obtained.

The minimum rank requirement for this gold-making test is the gold rank . The minimum rank requirement will be dynamically adjusted according to the matching environment, and the adjustment depends on feedback from the community.

energy consumption

When a player configures a bounty team and participates in a qualified match, the energy consumption follows the following formula:

The energy value deducted during the game (Etotal) = min(T * E, the current energy value of the account, the sum of the current remaining physical values of all characters)

T: The effective combat duration of this round (unit seconds)

Smax: The sum of the upper limit of physical strength of all the players' current characters in battle.

E: consumption efficiency

  • When Smax < 150, E = Smax / 2700
  • When 150 < = Smax < 600, E = 1 / 18
  • When Smax >= 600, E = Smax / 10800

physical exertion

According to the order in which the bounty team goes into battle, the physical strength of each character is deducted in turn until the physical strength deducted is equal to the energy value deducted in the game. That is to say, the sum of the physical strength of the characters deducted in each round is equal to the total physical strength deducted in each round. The energy values are equal.

*The upper limit of physical strength for characters of different qualities from level 0 to level 20

The upper limit of physical strength for characters with different qualities from level 0 to level 20

2. Fire computing power and treasure chest computing power

Each character whose physical strength is deducted in the game will produce Fire computing power and treasure chest computing power based on its metal-making ability and the deducted physical strength.

Fire computing power = token base output * (1 + efficiency bonus + tactics bonus) * credit score coefficient * rank coefficient

Treasure chest computing power = treasure chest base output * (1 + efficiency bonus + tactics bonus) * credit score coefficient * rank coefficient


Token base output = En * (20+Attr_reputation)^ 0.65*0.35* X1 * Z

Treasure chest base output = En * (20+Attr_lucky)^ 0.65*0.35 * X2 * Z

efficiency bonus = Attr_efficiency / (( level + 3 ) ^1.45 + 70) * (tanh(( Rating -1)*1.7)*0.8+0.8)

tactics bonus = Attr_tactics / (( level + 3 ) ^1.45 + 70) * (tanh(( Rating -1)*1.7)*0.8+0.8)

Parameter description

En: The physical value deducted from the character in settlement.

Attr_reputation: the character’s reputation attribute value

Attr_lucky: The lucky attribute value of the character

Rating: The performance evaluation score in the game. The higher the evaluation, the higher the score. The value range is [0, 2]

RSW: The team behavior evaluation score in the game. The higher the evaluation, the higher the score. The value range is [0, 2]

X1: Fire computing power coefficient, X1 = 0.006666667

X2: Treasure chest computing power coefficient, X2 = 0.006666667

level: The level of the settlement character

Z: Character health output coefficient. At the end of the game, when the character's health >= 50 Z = 1; 5 0 > health > = 20, Z = 0.9; when health < 20, Z = 0.2

Credit score coefficient: The default value is 1. When the credit score of the account is lower than a certain value, the computing power of gold mining will be punished to a certain extent and the credit score coefficient will be reduced.

Rank coefficient: Matches of different ranks correspond to different rank coefficients; for high-rank matches, the rank coefficient will be slightly increased.

3. The output of FIRE and treasure chests

In a game, the Fire value and treasure chest points produced by each character are:

Fire output value = Fire computing power / Fire output difficulty

Treasure box point output = treasure box computing power * 10 / treasure box output difficulty

Fire output difficulty and treasure chest output difficulty are system parameters for gold output, which will balance output efficiency.

The values of Fire production difficulty and treasure chest production difficulty, daily Fire computing power and treasure chest computing power will be announced in the MATR1X FIRE community (telegram and discord).

4. Dynamic balance of output difficulty

We got inspiration from the way Bitcoin adjusts difficulty to balance block output speed and computing power changes, and set the parameters of Fire output difficulty and treasure chest output difficulty to dynamically balance Fire and The relationship between treasure chest output computing power and total output.

Initial setting of FIRE output difficulty

In the early stage of gold mining, the difficulty of Fire output starts from a low value. As the number of gold mining participants increases and the daily Fire computing power increases, the difficulty of Fire output will gradually increase and eventually become an equilibrium value. Specifically, The mechanism is as follows:

The initial Fire output difficulty = 0.4. The Fire output difficulty is updated at 1 o'clock every day (UTC time). Let P = the sum of the Fire computing power of the previous day (0 o'clock - 24 o'clock UTC time). The new Fire output Difficulty is calculated by the following formula

  • P < =a , output difficulty = 0.4
  • a < P < b, output difficulty = (a—0.4*b—0.6*P) / (a—b)
  • P > = b , output difficulty = 1

where a = 15000, b = 37500

unlimited game plan

The three stages of Matr1xFire's infinite game plan correspond to different control methods of output difficulty. The execution of each stage will involve a proposal vote among $MAX stakers.

The first stage: Firefly (Firefly Stage)

After the Genesis version, unless there are special circumstances, the output difficulty of Fire will remain at 1, and the output difficulty of Fire will not be actively adjusted until the total circulation of Fire reaches 200 million and enters the second stage.

Stage 2: Flamingo Stage

In the second stage, the output difficulty will be adjusted according to the total Fire computing power of the system, so that Fire will gradually reach 500 million at a relatively balanced output rate.

The third stage: Phoenix Stage

This stage will upgrade the economic cycle of the game. The difficulty of Fire output is more determined by the market supply and demand relationship, and the market economy will dominate the Fire output rate.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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