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Token: 0xb3e41d6e0ea14b43bc5de3c314a408af171b03dd
Name: Kabosu
Market Cap: 607.6k
1h Trading Volume: 102.2k
1h Holder Increase: 89
1h Transactions: 108
Liquidity: 17.82 ETH
Current 💴💴: 0.000001444

Buy Tax: 0.0 Sell Tax: 1.1
Avg Tax: 16.9 Max Tax: 37.2
Honeypot: Open Source: Mint: No Renounce: No Buy Limit:
Snipe Bribe ETH: Max 0.00 Min 0.00 Avg 0.00
Snipe Price 💴💴: $8.29311039450267e-09
BananaUser🚌: 0buy
MaestroUser🚌: 3buy
UnibotUser🚌: 0buy
30 Tx Freq 1.2 min
60 Tx Freq 3.4 min

Launch : 2024-10-16 16:51:11
==Double Sell Wall==Possible Dump
KABOSU amount: 0
WETH amount: 0
Total Supply: 420690000000
Token Ratio: 22.31%
Dev Ratio: 0.0%
Pair Ratio: 7.63%

👱Deployer: 0x2188521F48Ca6F3BB6E87691aaCd1979925250f3
Balance: 0.5 ETH ENS: None
Historical Contracts: 0
👱Funding Source: 0x2188521f48ca6f3bb6e87691aacd1979925250f3
ENS: None

Contract Lines: 1
Compiler Version: v0.8.22+commit.4fc1097e
Social Info:

Total Txs: 100/14, Volume: 27.97/11.57 ETH
🦈Txs: 6/4, Volume: 7.79/8.56 ETH
🐳Txs: 0/0, Volume: 0.00/0.00 ETH
👱5m: 99/12, Volume: 27.73/11.07 ETH
👱30m: 99/12, Volume: 27.73/11.07 ETH
🤖5m: 1/2, Volume: 0.24/0.50 ETH
🤖30m: 1/2, Volume: 0.24/0.50 ETH

Bottom 50 Buy Orders:
🟦Accumulating 🟩Holding 🟨Partially Sold 🟥Fully Sold

💎Trades dragunBot MaestroBot BananaBot
🚨Charts Twitter GMGN bullx dexscreener
Pushed: 2024-10-16 16:55:31

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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