Hello everyone,
How are you? Hope you’re well!
Tbh, very unusual days for me this past week - was assaulted a week ago. Thank God for protecting me.
This will not be a regular edition - will just share the story with you guys here as well.
Apologize for not doing these well enough recently. Will definitely try to step my game up in 2025.
Appreciate you all. Happy New Year - and take care of yourselves folks.
Mostly - sharing this for the chance that maybe someone, one day, will make a wiser decision in a similar situation, than the one I had made. Whenever it's possible - just avoid. Do better risk management. For you - and for your loved ones and those who love you. Treat yourself as kings and queens. Low lives are not worthy of an interaction. Put yourself and loved ones first, and in a smart way, not the arrogant one I had chosen that night, though didn't realize it then. You and yours are more important. In Hebrew we have a saying - "He who saves one soul, saves the world". Be smarter than I was. Shabbat Shalom, Happy New Year, and God bless.
My own 2024 Hanukkah miracle.
The past few days have been very unusual for myself and many of my loved ones and those who, thankfully, love me. Very early Friday am, before dawn, tried entering a store. Someone was blocking the entry just as I got near. Didn't realize what was going on at first. He stood with his back towards me, a much taller guy (not a very complicated achievement tbh). Asked a few times, "excuse me, can I pass?" He didn't respond, thought that maybe he was not hearing me or something. Approached from the side to create eye contact, asked again if he can move so I can enter. The guy didn't move an inch, and signaled me to pass. Was no way to pass there, surely not without touching him or getting in his range. I was naive, didn't yet realize what was going on. Tbh, was also embarrassing - why not allow me to regularly pass like a normal human being? Started getting angry, kept asking for him to move, more aggressively. For a split second thought of just walking away, didn't really have to get what I wanted from that store anyway, at least not urgently. In retrospect, should have done better risk management, and walk away. Whenever you can avoid interacting with these low lives, or as one of my friends refers to them "ash people" - you should. Yet that's a conclusion I've realized too late I guess. Asked him again to move so I can enter. This time he got closer with his face into my range, in a threatening way, telling me he's gonna headbutt me. Was clear from his breath that he was drunk, and who knows what else. Range was too close to allow him to stay there even for another moment after that threat, felt threatened. Pushed him away immediately to recreate some space. Right after that, he started attacking me. Was pretty shocked by the way in which he was trying to hurt me with his mostly fists. For the first almost one minute was able to keep moving back, face towards him all the time, shouting at him to stop and at the guy working at the store to call the police. About 20 or 30 meters from there, as I'm still hoping he will stop, kept walking back till I hit a pole in the street or something like that, and realized that I can't avoid this. The guy wanted blood. He tried punching me with fists he was setting, clearly trying to do actual damage. A specific one to the body I thank God I was able to not get hurt by. It became clear that there will be no way out of this without an actual fight, and, well, was already clear that I'm not the with the upper hand these moments. Thankfully, was never at such a situation till then. Hope to never be again tbh. At some point I fell. Kept shouting at him the whole time, yet from his eyes, realized that he's not trying to "win", he's trying to do actual harm. Understood that no matter what, I must avoid the punches he's trying to land on my face. God really protected me there tbh, the way I feel. Don't get me wrong - he hit my face with multiple punches, yet thankfully, not in the way he wanted to. He was not a skilled fighter thankfully, yet he sure was physically stronger than me. At some point was able to grab his hand, yet he quickly released it, and thank God for helping get away from the punch he tried to land at my face there on the ground. At some point when he stood up I'm pretty sure he kicked my head or stepped on it, didn't see. Throughout the several minutes it took, imo at least 2 or 3, yet who knows, l remember realizing I must keep fighting as much as I can, and that I must, must, remain conscious. Thankfully, God protected me, and I did. Was able to get a few meters away, the guy went to his bike and ran, maybe cause he saw some people getting near, after the guy from the store, who appeared in shock, said he called them for help. I started touching my face and saw I was bleeding, and biggest pain was my shoulder. Thought initially it was just dislocated, yet turned out the arm was also broken in two places, on of them considered complex.
That night they already performed an operation on my shoulder - Doctors explained that's the only way they believe I will be able to actually regain shoulder movement, and avoid future pains hopefully. Got some screws and a metal plate there now, and healing will take a while. Yet thankfully, nothing more or as severe as that was caused. Got out of the hospital the next day already. Tbh - my family and friends have again proven, and are proving on a daily basis with all they're doing for me and helping me with - that they are the absolute best. Love them, admire them, and thank God for them. Recovery will have its challenges for sure, and will take a while. Yet thankfully, here I am. The guy was trying to cause so much more damage. Can only thank God for being with me in those minutes as well, protecting me. With all the blows and pain, and blows to the ego as well - I know I came out ok. Now, like my uncle told me - time to make lemonade out of lemons.
Happy Hanukkah everyone.
And Happy New Year.
Ok, some videos, even if only a few.
Life-Changing Money: Ride the Banana Zone w/ Raoul Pal
Top 5 BIGGEST Crypto Events Of 2024
The Future of Compound with Bryan Colligan
Llama Party: Resupply
The All-In Holiday Spectacular
Q/A with the Captain
Thanks for reading everyone, have a great day!