Web3 Daily 0519: Digital Hong Kong Dollar Pilot Project Launched

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Web3 Daily 0519

  • 【Major News】ChatGPT is launched in the US App Store, and has jumped to the second place in the free app

  • OpenAI: Android version of ChatGPT will be launched

  • Meta designed the first generation custom chip of "Meta training and reasoning accelerator", and developed the AIGC coding assistant "CODECOMPOSE"

  • [Major news] Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Digital Hong Kong Dollar Pilot Program was launched, and 16 companies including HSBC and VISA will conduct the first round of trials this year

  • US CFTC Chairman: BTC/ ETH is a commodity and strongly opposes SEC law enforcement supervision

  • Filecoin Foundation: Oppose the US SEC to classify FIL as a security

  • Worldcoin cracks down on the black market, including face-to-face registration process adjustments and more

  • Whale Explorer launched the UGC function, opening up the ability to create personal digital collections to users

  • Ma Jie, vice president of Baidu, resigns, and Heeyang, the metaverse business, falls into a crisis of marginalization

see more

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