After not investing in fiat currency for many years, how does researcher Ignas achieve 100 times profit by rolling coins?

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DeFi researcher Ignas proposed six strategies to find 100-fold returns in the crypto market. He pointed out that he has no longer invested in any legal currency since 2020, but the returns on his investment portfolio have increased 100-fold. How did he do it?

(The following first-person content is compiled from Ignas' new article "How to Find 100x Gems: 5 Strategies" )

Pursuing KOL and issuing coins is by no means a way to get rich

The goal of this bull market is to find a target that is 100-fold. Even if the market drops temporarily, the target's increase will eventually return to the 100-fold level.

However, I believe that many people are now looking for 100x coins in a very stupid way, using SOL to participate in KOL's token issuance. This risk may be higher than traditional gambling. The game rules of traditional casinos are even clearer than participating in KOL's token issuance.

( Twitter posts attract hundreds of millions of dollars: 27 Solana meme coins raised US$122 million in pre-sale of meme coins )

In fact, I have stopped investing fiat currency in crypto assets since March 2020, but the income of my investment portfolio has increased 100 times. I continue to change the investment portfolio and earn income through airdrops. I have not invested any US dollars in 4 years.

You may hope to make a hundred times a profit on one income, but I hope to provide some strategies that can increase your chances of a hundred times, rather than blindly following KOLs.

1. Nansen: Looking for coins with a low market capitalization of 100 times

Looking for token projects with a market capitalization of less than $10 million is a quick way to achieve 100-fold returns. How to find it? KOLs always take money to help promote, and I tend to rely on on-chain data to make decisions.

The data platform Nansen requires a monthly Pioneer subscription fee of $99. I like to use the "Token Screener" to find which newly deployed tokens Smart Money bought (7-14 days).

There are several steps to this.

Find tokens

Follow these steps in Nansen:

  • Go to Token Paradise

  • Click on Token Screener

  • Then select "On-chain indicators"

  • Sort by personal preference

The chart below shows the tokens deployed within 7 days. I like projects where the number of token holders grows with transaction volume.

Deploy tokens within 7 days

further analysis

This case is the MDAI ranked first in the picture above. Check each item:

  • Find MDAI on Coingecko, Twitter, check the official website and decide for yourself if it's worth following.

  • Check the holder concentration and whether Smart Money is trading.

  • Check the Discord/Telegram community atmosphere.

  • Participation in the Twitter community and who is following the official Twitter?

  • Who are the investors and what is the unlocking timeline?

It’s not easy overall, and you’ll have to repeat the process for other coins on the list.

I've had mixed success trading this way, with more gains than losses, but not a hundredfold gain yet. I spent more time writing content and looking for airdrops instead of chasing 100x coins, but I believe that Nansen's Token Paradise's on-chain information is better than the suggestions of Twitter KOLs.

MDAI rose 91% on the day

2. Kaito: Looking for Narrative, Smart Money

Kaito is my new favorite toy that scans Twitter tweets to identify relatively more popular coins.

(Note: Kaito also requires payment. Compared with Nansen, it integrates more functions similar to ChatGPT)

Kaito AI is able to assess market sentiment, Twitter and even Discord engagement.

It can also search all network information to summarize protocol functions and related updates, saving time reading documents, Discord, Twitter, and DAO.

Kaito AI summarizes information capabilities

Kaito's "Smart accounts" are one of the easiest ways to find 100x coins. Usually I will observe whether Smart Money has followed which accounts within 7 days.

Watch Smart Money tracking numbers

I asked Sandra , who just joined Kaito AI from Nansen, and she said that this method of combining on-chain and off-chain is feasible, that is, observing whether the popularity of token discussions coincides with the on-chain capital flow of Smart Money.

The problem is that Kaito is not cheap, with a monthly subscription fee of up to $833. This article is not a professional version of Kaito or Nansen. I have used both myself, and the strategies introduced next are free.

3. Narrating a new project from scratch

This is my favorite strategy. Occasionally, a project will appear in the market that is different and changes the trajectory of the industry. The ingenuity of token economics can push the industry forward and launch a new crypto field.

Discovering this innovation may seem simple, but it can be difficult because of your own biases. When a new hot thing comes along, the community may not be interested, or it may even be dismissed entirely by the community as not worthy of any attention. That’s why having an open mind and a willingness to try all the hot and controversial things can increase your chances of finding a 100x coin.

It may not be a token. NFT is the most prominent new creation from scratch. Punks and BAYC are the most successful cases.

In token economics, new projects from zero to one include:

  • Curve(CRV)


  • Ampleforth

  • Olympus DAO

  • Synthetix (SNX)

  • Yearn Finance (YFI)

  • Compound Finance COMP

Follow the original agreement

Successful agreements often have many follow-up projects, but I believe that hundreds of times the income comes from the original agreement, which has the following characteristics:

  • Look for technological innovations: things that didn’t exist before.

  • Finding community: Does anyone care? A large group of sour folk is also a good sign.

  • Look for the confusion: New things are confusing because technology innovates and challenges preconceived ideas.

The latest example is Ordinals.

Ordinals earn hundreds of times

My gains are actually close to a hundred times better thanks to Ordinals.

I bought Nodemonke for 0.03 BTC and now it's at 0.75 BTC (25x). But I got multiple airdrops for holding it, such as: RSIC, Runestone, etc.

I think the next 100x coin will come from the Rune protocol and when it launches after the Bitcoin halving, are you ready to make all the moves to chase the 100x wave? Will you study the Bitcoin ecosystem, how the Rune protocol works? If you really want to get a hundredfold profit without gambling, you need to put in the effort.

( The floor price of NodeMonkes is approaching 1 BTC, and its market value has surpassed BAYC to become the second largest NFT project )

4. Participate in the public sale of tokens

Crypto Nova brought me into the world of token sales.

I never actually bothered with ICOs because it required a lot of effort to get whitelisted and usually the token share was low, but she changed my mind about token sales.

This is what she said:

"In a raging bull market, there is nothing better to make money than token sales. The threshold for retail investors is a bit high, but they can participate through Launchpads and other methods. Although they still have to fight hard to grab it, the profits are definitely there. Wait.

Because in the daily market, it is difficult for a token to have a 500% increase, as it requires all the limit orders in the order book, while a token public sale can have a 1,000% increase in a single day. Public sales in the recent bull market were even 50 or 60 times higher.

This does not mean that the coins can be sold immediately and have increased 40 times. On the contrary, projects usually have a lock-up period, and about 25% of the shares can be sold immediately, which is about 10 times the initial investment. "

Crypto Nova enjoyed the experience and information of the token public sale earlier this year.

1/ People are making life-changing gains with IDO's (presales).

But most don't know how to participate.

Here's how you can buy these 🧵👇

— Crypto Nova (@CryptoGirlNova) January 13, 2024

5. Memelord Dune data panel

Since both Nansen and Kaito require payment, I would like to provide a free data panel Meme Lord created by Dune master Crypto Koryo.

Crypto Koryo pointed out that in the relatively long trading cycle in the encryption field, it is easy to achieve 2 to 10 times returns, but if you want 100 times returns, you must narrow the range of assets traded.

He believes that these two free charts contain most of the information about Hundred Times Coin:

Degen trading currency

Crypto Koryo also reminded a few points:

  1. Don’t sell too early: If you buy 100x coins early but always sell them at 5x, you will never make 100x.

  2. Risk Management: Many tokens will return to zero, and this asset is extremely risky.

  3. Focus: This is the only niche area, ignore the noise of the crypto community, focus on it, keep improving and be patient.

6. Two ways to participate in airdrops

Last but not least, although airdrops have been a time-honored marketing strategy, I still want to highlight two airdrop strategies:

  • Liquidity Mining Airdrop

  • Participation-based airdrop

I've been bullish on Liquidity Re-staking Tokens (LRT), but if you don't have ETH to stake, you can't get a lot of airdrops; instead, I recommend looking for participation-based airdrops where even a small amount of capital can make you eligible for a lot of airdrops. airdrop distribution,

These include cross-chain bridges (LayerZero, etc.), oracles, L1 or L2, using testnets and actively participating in the early stages of the protocol to obtain "early member" NFTs.

Participating in airdrops requires effort and persistence, but if you start with a small portfolio, airdrops are your way to achieve a hundredfold.

( Detailed explanation of the corresponding opportunities and risks of the Liquidity Re-pledge Token (LRT) project )

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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