Strategic Partnership Announcement: Zulu Network x Orbiter Finance⏫

We are excited to announce that Zulu Network has entered a strategic partnership with Orbiter Finance, a ZK-tech-based instant omni rollup on Ethereum, delivering secure, efficient, and decentralized data communication services.

They are committed to revolutionising the Ethereum ecosystem through the utilisation of ZK technology, streamlining all transactions on Layer 2 in a manner that is both cost-effective and time-efficient.

Orbiter Finance has achieved remarkable success in the cross-rollup market since its inception. It has managed to build a substantial user base and has been instrumental in connecting rollup environments and collaborating with various DApps to foster ecosystem growth in the cross-rollup space.

Orbiter Finance enables cross-rollup transactions of Ethereum-native assets in a trustless and seamless manner. They support various networks, including Ethereum, zkSync Era, zkSync Lite, Linea, Mantle, Base, StarkNet, opBNB, Scroll, Arbitrum, Arbitrum Nova, Loopring, Optimism, Polygon, Polygon zkevm, BNB Chain, Zora, Taiko, ImmutableX.

Zulu Network x Orbiter Finance

Orbiter Finance is a leader in the cross-rollup market and Zero-Knowledge technology, and with it’s architecture it can help Zulu Network in multiple ways.

On one side, Orbiter provides secure, efficient, and decentralized data communication services, and also a gateway to the Ethereum ecosystem.

On the other hand, integrating Zulu Network can help Orbiter expand their offerings into the Bitcoin ecosystem, and help Orbiter reach a wider international audience.

We are very excited about this strategic partnership, and hope this is the start of something big that pushes both projects forward.

About Orbiter Finance

Orbiter Finance is a ZK-tech Based Ethereum Acceleration Engine that boosts L2s’ performance and decreases gas consumption.

Orbiter Finance is a decentralized cross-rollup bridge for transferring the Ethereum native assets, which is the infrastructure of Layer2, they offer low-cost and almost instant transfer.

Orbiter Finance’s main goal is the creation of a secure and decentralised cross-rollup bridge within the Ethereum ecosystem. It has been developed with the aim of improving the interoperability of mainnet-rollup.

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About Zulu Network

Zulu Network is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 with 2-layer architecture.

ZuluPrime is EVM compatible, for scaling and BitFi; ZuluNexus offers UTXO programmability, a unique solution to continuously support Bitcoin native innovation (cheaper, fast, extendable and programmable).

Zulu’s other innovations also include its decentralized bridge and its unique hybrid PoS / PoW mining design.

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