According to ChainCatcher, after the prediction market platform Kalshi won the lawsuit against the U.S. Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the CFTC filed an emergency motion to try to prevent the prediction market Kalshi from launching election contracts within two weeks while the agency is processing its appeal. The CFTC believes that Kalshi may launch regulated election contracts as early as Tuesday morning after self-certifying the contract on Monday and waiting for the required one business day. The CFTC is concerned that if the contract begins trading, the CFTC's recourse to stop trading or otherwise terminate the contract is very limited.
Earlier news reported that the regulated prediction market platform Kalshi won the lawsuit between it and the CFTC, involving whether the Kalshi platform could make predictions for the US election. Kalshi only conducts business in the United States, and every prediction contract it launches must be approved or reviewed by the CFTC.