33 Blinks usages at a glance: tipping, sending red envelopes, issuing coins, rebates, subscriptions, voting... Turn Twitter into your Crypto playground

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It’s been 20 days since Solana released Blinks, and we’ve seen a large number of Blinks use cases emerge, rewarding creators, improving interaction efficiency, and other interesting ways to play.

The most intuitive function of Blinks is to “reduce redirects”. Friends who have worked on products know that reducing one step of redirects will at least double the conversion rate, and vice versa.

In a specific user scenario, I think Blinks has three meanings:

  1. On a micro level, Blinks greatly shortens the distance between creators and fans, helping creators monetize; it also improves the efficiency of various on-chain interactions;
  2. Going further, Blinks, as a "container", encapsulates complex on-chain operations in a button, which is friendly to newcomers and can derive new use cases, such as trading and transferring directly in the chat;
  3. From a macro perspective, Blinks can make any Web2 application a Crypto-enabled application. Twitter has taken the lead in becoming a Crypto playground, and Reddit has also been integrated. If it can further penetrate YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok... Crypto can be expected to achieve Mass Adoption.

In fact, this is also what all consumer-oriented on-chain infrastructure (Farcaster, Ton) are doing, but the entry points are different and the user groups are also different.
  • Blinks is available on the PC web version, which is in line with the usage habits of European and American users, with a PC usage rate of over 50%;
  • Ton is based on Telegram, making games and payments, and entering the market from developing countries (China, India, Russia, Asia, Africa, and Latin America);
  • Farcaster develops an independent client, based on the core circle of the Coinbase/Ethereum ecosystem, occupying the commanding heights of social media and spreading downward.

For the purpose of learning, I compiled this article and divided the 33 Blinks usages into 5 categories. Welcome to read, share and discuss : )

  1. Creator Economy/Content Monetization/Influence Monetization
  2. Trade in chat
  3. Turning social behaviors on Twitter (such as voting) into on-chain interactions
  4. Enhanced interaction with other scenarios (such as wallets)
  5. Blinks Third-Party Tools

Some of these usages have been implemented, and I have attached links; those that have not been implemented may be opportunities for developers haha.
Thanks to the builders for their construction and sharing, including @zen913 , @JupiterExchange , @AccessProtocol , @MeteoraAG , @tensor_hq , @thesendcoin . I sorted and compiled them. Enjoy~

1. Creator Economy/Content Monetization/Influence Monetization

1 / Tip on social media

This is the most popular method and one that has been implemented by many people. Here is a version implemented by @zen913.

Programmers are also important creators, and if a button with Blink could be integrated into GitHub pages, people could tip or sponsor their favorite developers.
Star: It is actually the onchain version of buymeacoffee

2/ Send red envelopes on social media

This is also a popular idea, @zen913 is developing it

3/ Issue coins directly on Twitter

It can be used for crowdfunding or hype, turning the entire Twitter into your playground. I have to admire the development speed of @zen913 !

4/ Buy coins directly on Twitter

The next step after issuing coins is trading, expanding the influence of tokens or memes. @JupiterExchange has implemented Blink for buying coins on Twitter , and also supports private messaging chat interface

5/ KOL leads the rebate

Blink supports one-click purchase of coins on Twitter, so who will spread the word?

Through Blink, we increase rebate incentives and turn Twitter KOLs into “Taobao customers”, bringing
  • The shortest path to purchase: When you see a local dog on Twitter, click and buy it with one click
  • The strongest communication intention : Kol recommends Tugou and directly draws commissions, without having to buy and then sell to retail investors to make money (by
Below is the rebate Blinks implemented by Meteora

6/ Paid Subscription

Through Blink, paid subscriptions are put in place in advance, and users no longer need to go to third-party platforms.

Web3Brand has established a partnership with Web3 subscription solution Access Pool. Below I also tried the corresponding Blink.

I’ll have more details in a tweet later this week about how Access Pool can support creators in an interesting way while lowering the barrier to entry for subscriptions.

7/ NFT Minting and Bidding

Build a no-code tool that lets anyone create, mint, bid on, and buy NFTs using Blinks on their X Feed.

Tensor made Blink, which supports direct purchase at floor price. The following SEND announced the public issuance of DYOR.

It also supports traits dimensions

8/ Paid messages

Paid messaging is an important source of income for creators.

Build a tool with an interface that lets users generate blinks so that others can send them paid messages.

Users can send messages from their feeds, and creators can view/reply from one dashboard.

ft. @aeyakovenko (Solana Labs Co-Founder)

Star: This can be seen as the Blink version of Friend Tech, with a lower barrier to entry. But it is also competing with Twitter's paid subscription business, so be careful of being blocked by Ma Yilong.


9/ Use pump.fun directly on Twitter

Including creating a profile and following others

12/ Time Buying ( Blink version by @timedotfun)

Imagine buying the time of your favorite Crypto Twitter influencers directly from Twitter/X.
Through @TipLinkOfficial , creators/viewers can create a wallet using their YouTube email ID, lowering the barrier to entry.
Star: Isn’t this just transferring money within WeChat or Alipay messages? Haha😄

It's hard to know what is true today.
We know the US government often captures corporate media (see the CIA's Operation Mockingbird ) and social media (see the Twitter files ) to spread lies for their own interests.
We know that the US government routinely manipulates corporate media (see the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird) and social media (see the Twitter files) to spread lies to serve its own interests.
Markets are the Best Source of Truth
A prediction market is an open market that enables anyone with knowledge on a future outcome to contribute that knowledge in the form of a bet where they make money if they are correct and lose money if they are wrong .
The Biden dropout market on Polymarket has long been the best way to get a realistic picture of Biden's participation in the 2024 election. Back in October 2023, the market indicated there was a 26% chance that Biden would drop out.
Meanwhile the NYT and the rest of corporate media continued to spew lies about Biden's mental state.
Note: The on-chain prediction market Polymarket is a portfolio of 1confirmation. After the shooting, Trump's chances of winning rose to 70% .
Star: This Blink has been implemented by Send , and I successfully recovered 0.002 SOL haha


22/ Gadgets around Memecoins

Create mini-games and tools to engage directly with your memecoin community and get more memecoin communities having fun on Twitter (like Bonk).

ft. @bonk_inu
→ Implement on-chain like/dislike to approve or reject DAO proposals ( @MetaDAOProject )
→ Use @DriftProtocol for Long/Short operations
Actions in NFTs In @phantom ’s preview, it was shown that NFTs can be used for a variety of interactions through shortcuts, improving their practicality.

28/ Blink NFTs

Likewise, Blinks also allows for easy cryptographic operations with NFTs within the wallet. Send, buy, bid, and trade NFTs from the wallet interface.

29/ Apple supports cryptocurrency through Blinks

Wrap Blink links in NFC and App Clips (Apple mini-programs) to quickly call crypto wallets

5. Blinks Third-Party Tools

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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