pump.funFounder: Dune data statistics are wrong, 30% of wallets have only made one selling transaction
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Odaily report: Regarding the previous Dune data showing that the number of wallet addresses with over $10,000 in profits on pump.fun is only 54,724, the founder of pump.fun, alon, posted on platform X that the data is not accurate. The data publisher's statistics have the following issues: it did not include tokens that have been bonded with , and most of the profits were generated after token bonding. This means that if you purchased for $200,000 and sold it today (a return of over 4,000x), your profit/loss would be $0, which is strange. The actual number of profitable and highly profitable wallets may be an order of magnitude larger than what is shown. Unrealized profits were not considered. Some of the most profitable wallets belong to those who have unwavering faith in the tokens they bought very early on, meaning that if you purchased on pump.fun for $40,000 and held it until today, your profit/loss would be negative compared to the data. Over 13 million traders include many bots and AI agents. About 30% of the wallets have only made one transaction, which is a sell. The activities of these wallets are unlikely to be from real human users.
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